If you are given a choice, we are sure that you will go for a fitted wardrobe instead of purchasing freestanding closets, no matter how good they look. Why? Because there are unique features you can only find in custom-built wardrobes that are not available in store-bought bedroom furniture.

Let’s face it, some of the items you have in your wardrobe are bedroom clutter. When you have more things than storage space, most of the things pile up in corners, on stools, desks, and the bed. Soon, you’ll realise that you have a messy bedroom no matter how much you clean.

Luckily you can find a solution to hide bedroom clutter and, at the same time, use all the space you have in your bedroom, so you can organise your wardrobe, have space for every item, and find them easily.

Unique Features

Consider the benefits of fitted bedroom furniture. Determine the items you own and the clothes and accessories you use, so you will know how much space you need.

Since the wardrobe is tailored to your requirements, you can add more features to your storage area.

You need more room to hang business shirts and suits to avoid them being crumpled. You may need a tie rack, accessory tray, and space for your work shoes. It’s better if the items you wear regularly are easier to access and store. A fitted wardrobe will give you ample storage areas for different types of things.

Correct Partitions

Most standard closets you get from stores have a set rack, shelves, and drawers. There is no room to change its configuration. With a custom-built wardrobe, the designer will determine your storage requirements based on the things you own and design the wardrobe partitions accordingly. You will have correctly sized hangers for skirts, dress shirts and trousers, shelves for folded clothes, and drawers for small items and undergarments.

Flexible Shelving

You may need more space for folded items. You can have fitted bedroom furniture with removable shelf dividers to increase the area for some things.

Various Features And Fittings

Since the wardrobe is customised to your specifications, you can choose the features you can include in the design and construction of the closet.

Some Of The Things You Can Choose From:

  • Interior lighting
  • Custom dividers
  • Custom foldable mirrors
  • Ironing table
  • Tie and belt racks
  • TV base swivel arm
  • See-through storage bins
  • Glass or acrylic drawer fronts

Moreover, you can choose the exterior design features such as cornices, unit tops, and bulkheads. You can determine the style, the colour, materials, and finish of the wardrobe as well. It’s your choice to build storage to cover an entire wall or just a portion of it. Depending on the space available, the fitted bedroom furniture can have state-of-the-art sliding doors that glide gently and close silently. Or you can have hinged, swinging doors. It is also an option to include a storage area for seasonal clothing.

Choosing fitted bedroom furniture gives you different options to tailor the design and style of your wardrobe according to your needs and lifestyle.